Folli Follie Christmas Wishlist

The lovely team at Folli Follie have asked me to create my Christmas wish list. This was the easiest thing to do! I'm off to New York in January and these pieces would make my wardrobe complete. The best bit about this is that Folli Follie are giving you the chance to win your entire wish list, up to the value of £500 this Christmas! Go to the Folli Follie blog for full details. 

Shop my wish list left to right:

Get pinning and good luck!
Have a lovely week.
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  1. That card holder is gorgeous! Never thought i would see myself saying that haha.

  2. I love the blue watch, it looks so chic!

    I would love it if we would follow each other on bloglovin! Please check out my blog and let me know if you have followed me. I will follow back immediately!

    Stay fancy!
    xxx Kelly-Louise


It means so much that you take the time to comment. I read every single one and will reply ASAP. If you would like a super fast answer to anything, you can always tweet me @lindseydholland. Thank you so much! xx

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