Hello Fashion x Aspinal of London

We all know Hello! magazine right? well now they are giving us something to get super excited about. A brand new and incredible, might I add, fashion monthly magazine. To celebrate the launch they have teamed up with none other than my favourite luxury leather goods brand, Aspinal of London, this means I now own a beautiful leather notebook and keyring to match and obviously I'm pretty excited about that! You guys should check out the first issue, it really is worth a read, and at £1? you can't go wrong. They offer subscriptions too! HELLO! Fashion Magazine

Hope you're having a lovely day.
Thanks so much for reading
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1 comment

  1. To be honest, I like your blog very much! I think that you do a great job! Everything is so beautiful! I know that blog requires much time, but keep doing it!

    I’ll be happy to see you in my blog!)

    Diana Cloudlet



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