Olympus pen generation x MT Washi tape

 Just look at how beautiful this camera is! if I could use the heart eyes emoji right now, I would. Not only is it pretty but it's once of the best camera's I have ever used. It's easy (very selfie friendly!) and lets you shoot in various filters...so no need to run your photo's through Instagram! One of the things I love the most about the Olympus Pen is that it has wi-fi built in and....there's an app for smart phones that lets you download your images straight to your phone! Absolutely winning. I thought I'd show off one of the cool filters by shooting my work-in-progress art wall at home.
See that tape? well it's saving my picture hanging life one strip at a time! The incredible team over at RKM Communications kindly whizzed me some MT Washi Tape over to try out, and it's very safe to say I'm hooked on the stuff. It's made from Japanese rice paper and is such a gorgeous alternative to usual boring tape. I've used it to wrap presents, create my wall collage, and I've even got some stuck on the back of my iPhone cover in the shape of a heart! The uses are pretty endless and I'm just so glad I've got a good ten rolls to get through!Buy yours here MT Washi

I hope you're having the most lovely Sunday! Thanks so much for reading.
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