XFM Winter Wonderland

 BEST night ever. Are the three words I would use to describe the fun we had at XFM Winter Wonderland in Manchester last week. A line up that my dreams are made of, a night with my bestie, all the cider I could hope for and the rekindling of my 'indie' roots. It's the first time I've been to XFM Winter Wonderland after YEARS of intending to go and never doing so. As soon as tickets went on sale, I was sat, poised and ready to strike with my debit card. It really was such an incredible night with a handful of my absolute faves in one line up. I have always loved gigs and live music....give me a gig with a sticky floor over wearing a dress and heels ANY day. There's something so incredible about live music and the way it brings people together. I don't mind being pushed up against sweaty strangers one bit during a gig.

The epic line up...

Catfish and the Bottlemen
George Ezra
Wild Beasts
Ben Howard
Liam Fray

Hannah from Hannahlouisef.com recently posted about her 2014 live music experience and it inspired me to pop this post up for you. I have had a pretty rough few months and if it wasn't for some of these bands, giving me some much needed perspective, I'd probably still be struggling.

Who are you into? Comment if you've written a post about your favourite bands/gigs of 2014, I would love to read it!

Thanks so much for reading
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1 comment

  1. You managed to get some beaut snaps! Hope you had a blast, do I spy a cheeky trip to mojo after (my FAVE!). Love more music posts, think I might do the same as Hannah has 💕

    Robyn x



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