Getting that H20 on board at London Fashion Week with Brita Water

September saw Fashion Month kick off in a big way this season. I was away in Las Vegas (I know, boring now) as it began but I landed in time to catch the last day of London Fashion Week. Severely jet lagged and wondering what day it was, planet I was on and how I'd managed to leave the house…I headed into Soho to catch the last but certainly not the least of the presentations and with that, had a helping hand from Brita water. For those of you that don't know, I'm a Physiotherapist, and high up on my priority list is looking after myself and drinking plenty of water. You don't need me to tell you just how important it is to drink plenty of water, from skin to energy levels, it's all very wonderful for you! A collaboration with Brita water couldn't have been more welcome this Fashion Week post long haul trip- How to stay hydrated during the busiest time ever? Yes please Brita. The bottle I carried with me all day has a built in filter so you can fill it up with tap water as you go.

The wonderful team at Comb shot this look straight outta The Apartment, which by the way, is how I came to wear this incredible Edit jumper.

You can shop my look below…including my super duper Brita water bottle. Get into that H20.
Brita filter water bottle
Edit the brand jumper
Vintage levi's
Sol Sana heels via Zalando
Sunglasses by Han Kjobenhaven

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you're having the best Sunday evening.
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  1. I really want that water bottle now lol, I've got a gross Virgin Active one that need upgrading!

    Looked like you had the best time in Vegas! xxx Tori

  2. I was very jealous of your vegas trip! Good you got the catch the last day of fashion week even with jet lag! That second shot is really cool
    livinginaboxx | bloglovin


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