

Sandro. The brand I get most excited about, the brand that fits me like a glove and the brand that always has me 'saving up'. This Parisian brand is a cut above. Beautifully finished, high end luxe pieces are what you can expect, whether you need something for an occasion or for lazy weekends. They have you covered. I teamed my electric blue zip detail jumper with this metallic mini skirt & yes, you guessed it, my Nike Free Run trainers.
Jumper: Sandro
Skirt: River Island
Trainers: Nike

Thanks so much for reading you massive babes.
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  1. Such a gorgeous colour the jacket has and the outfit is amazing as well!!

    Christina xx

    1. Thank you so much Christina! I love the colour- It pops! xxx

  2. Love love love! This skirt is so perf, I went to get it at Christmas but they didn't have my size :(

    Check out my new blog

    I'd love to know what you think <3

    x x

    1. Ah noway! I went in by chance one day and they were just putting it out! Check eBay! Thanks so much for commenting xxx


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