Knee high

Here I am, freezing, and keeping it simple. The t shirt you can see here is my absolute failsafe at the moment, I'd go as far as to say it's a Tomboy's best mate. Recommended by Queen ASOS Stylist Megan Ellaby for a date I was going on and freaking out about what to wear, it kills it every time! My jacket is by Ganni, and I absolutely adore it. I picked it up at the Clothes Show earlier this year in the My Wardrobe pop up sale shop. My boots are from Jones the Bootmaker and are the worlds comfiest and are already packed for my trip to New York! These beauties keep my legs warmer than when I work out, which isn't that often, but hey. I'm quite into this easy, simple look. It's also not as man repelling as most of the things I wear, and the very fact I have to consider that whilst dating, cracks me up.

Anyway, you can shop my look here

I hope you've had a wonderful week and are excited for a wonderful weekend too!
Thanks so much for reading
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  1. If a man's not interested because of what your wearing he's not worth it anyway. Those are fab boots, comfort and style win win

  2. i love this outfit! so simple but so good

    from helen at

  3. love the blazer, i'm loving long boots at the moment xxx

    elly from alldeathbydiamonds

  4. Love this look, so stylish!


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