Reading List

I wanted to introduce you to my latest reading list. These are the books that have me losing myself for hours on end, dreaming of a more love filled life. 

The Stylists Guide to NYC: Literally, the coolest city guide I've ever read, and I'm a huge Lonely Planet snob! The pages of this book have got me packed up and planning an entire fresh start in NYC (not just the holiday I have planned for January!) If only, but I'll never say never. If you're off to NYC, I strongly suggest you add this book to your reading list.

Pretty Honest: I'm no make-up buff, I never have been. But now maybe, I might be! This book is a gorgeous little beauty bible and everything MAKES SENSE! I've always struggled with beauty and the application of it but Sali is as honest as they come and lays everything out so clearly, that even I feel like I could give make-up a good go.

How to be Parisian, wherever you are: Oozing Parisian snobbery, this book has me in stitches with it's arrogant take on the Parisian lifestyle whilst making me question my everyday habits, from the way I colour my hair and how much make-up I *really* need to dating etiquette. Incredible.

I hope I've inspired you to bury your head in a book from time to time. It really is something i forget that i love.

Hope you're having a great week! Although it's not Friday for me tomorrow, happy Fri-YAY.

Thanks so much for reading.
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